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Mason Jar Canvas Bags

Make these personalized and unique canvas bags to use for any purpose!
Active Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour
Author Angie Holden


  • Printer and ink
  • Paintbrush
  • water
  • Inkjet transfer paper


  • Print the long strips of jars on the second page onto your t-shirt transfer paper.
  • Cut around the transfer and lay the design out on your tote bag. If you have a large bag, you may need to use more than one strip.
  • Iron the image onto your tote bag. Follow all package directions. I applied a row of jars on both sides of my tote.
  • Slide a piece of cardboard between the front and back of your tote bag to prevent any color bleeding through. Take a Tulip marker (in aqua color) and apply a line of fabric paint along an edge of a jar.
  • Next, take a brush dipped in water and use it to fill your entire jar with color. Each jar will be unique and amazing!
  • Finally, use a black marker on the lids with the same watercoloring technique. Allow the bag to dry completely on one side before turning the tote over and doing the back.
    Once the bag is completely dry, it's ready to use!