This Christmas themed mason jar is the festive décor your home needs this holiday season! This is an easy craft that’s customizable to your very own décor style. All you need is a mason jar and a few craft supplies to make this super cute decoration.

If you watched the video I did last week on mason jars, I showed a sneak peek of my Christmas mason jar. I am back to give y’all the instructions on how to make this one. It is super simple but oh so cute. I actually used stickers for the décor elements, but you can grab anything that catches your eye: scrapbook paper, fabric, or any Christmas item that you love.
You could really use any size mason jar and any color paint for this project. Keep in mind, it may be more difficult to see the stickers if you use a darker color.
I love to use mason jars for decorating. I’ve made lots of beautiful creations using mason jars, like this lantern, floral arrangement, and table lamp.
This cute little decoration could serve as a pen or pencil cup, a container for Christmas candies, or a lantern with a string of lights or artificial candle inside. I would strongly advise no real flames or lit candles as the Mod Podge might melt or catch fire.
How to Make a Christmas Themed Mason Jar
Supplies needed to make a Christmas themed mason jar:
- Mason jar of any size
- Mod Podge
- Stickers, scrapbook paper, fabric or anything else to add a “theme”
- White paint and primer in one
To start, cut your shapes out of whatever you are using and use Mod Podge to adhere them to the INSIDE of the mason jar.
To do this, I cut out the stickers (with the backing) and applied Mod Podge to the front. Then, arranged them inside of the jar accordingly.
Allow the Mod Podge to dry, then apply two more coats of Mod Podge on the backs of your shapes allowing them to dry in between coats.
Then, using a good quality paint or paint/primer in one, apply a thin coat on the inside of your mason jar.
Allow the paint to dry and you are done! A festive mason jar for your home’s décor this season! Can’t you see these in a variety of colors and patterns? The possibilities are endless y’all! Grab your mason jars and Mod Podge!
- Mason jar of any size
- Mod Podge
- Stickers scrapbook paper, fabric or anything else to add a “theme”
- White paint and primer in one
- To start, cut your shapes out of whatever you are using and use Mod Podge to adhere them to the INSIDE of the mason jar.
- Allow the Mod Podge to dry, then apply two more coats of Mod Podge on the backs of your shapes allowing them to dry in between coats.
- Apply a thin coat on the inside of your mason jar.
A Year of Jar Crafts
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So cute! Mason jars are so versatile and fun to craft with. This is a great version for the holidays 🙂
<3 Christina at I Gotta Create!
Wildly Original link party is open.
This is so cute, Angie!
I love your holiday themed Mason jar, it turned out great!
Very Clever! They look so cute!
GAH! You’re so smart. I have got loads of scrap bookig stickers!! Brilliant.
That is fantastic, love this so much!
How Beautiful!!!
So cute, tfs!
Hi!! I am in love with your sticker Mason Jars. I am a recently retired Kindergarten teacher and crafter with many, many stickers, etc. I would like to know what kind of paint you used. I have never painted inside of jars before. It looks so smooth and even. Did you use an enamel, or an acrylic? I don’t think it looks like glass paint. Also, you say to use a thin coat on the inside. Did you use foam brushes? Last question ~ do you just paint right over the stickers? Have you ever had the paint run through the edge of the sticker, etc., to the front, or does the mod podge keep it sealed?
Thank you very much for your time. Marva
The Mod Podge should seal them. Use any paint really and any brush. Good luck!!
how adorable! I love to decoupage….can’t wait to do this! Thanks for sharing
These are adorable! You could also use them as a vase with some seasonable flowers or greenery, or put the lid on with some decorations (bows, ribbon, figurines, etc.), or even put a string of lights in them! So clever!