This printable reading log will help to encourage reading in your kids! I am definitely a book lover and one of the things I want to do is to pass on that love to my children. Things like this reading log help to do just that! Print your own copy below then let the kids cut out the bookmark and start filling in their favorite books as they read them. Before you know it, they will have one page complete and you will be printing another. This is a great way to track summer reading or their reading efforts any time of the year!

Free Printable Reading Log
First, you will need to download and print the log. Just sign up for the newsletter in the form below and the log file will be sent to your email address. Look for a box below with a picture of the download you want then add in your information. If you already get our newsletter, add in your information again as you will not be signed up for anything further. Once you sign up, check your email to download your printable.
Please note that this file is for personal use only. It is also authorized for classroom use by educators. You can also contact me if you have any issues with your download.
How to Use This Kid’s Reading Log
Now that you have your free printable, how do you use it? Start by printing a copy of this for each child. You can use regular copy paper or even white card stock for something more sturdy. Then just cut out the bookmark on the left hand side. Depending on the age of the child, you can let them do this themselves. They can even punch a hole in the top and add yarn or string.
NOTE: This is a great classroom activity as well. Feel free to use my free printable in educational settings!
Then have them add their name and the month across the top of the page. They can then add their daily reading to the log to track their progress. You can even set goals for reading each day or each week. This is a great way to keep them reading all summer long!
Giving your child the love of books is one of the best gifts that you can give. Encourage them to read as often and as much as possible. They will learn so much and you may just enjoy it as well! You could even print one of these logs for yourself and enjoy some reading time on your own. You are never too old to read a good book!
I love both the bookmark and the reading log! Now to fill it with Seuss Books … Oh, the Places You’ll Go, Fox in Socks, Wocket in my Pocket… yay!