Over the years, I’ve had many of you ask me about starting a craft business and how to do it and be successful. Because of all those questions I’ve been working on a little project behind the scenes. What began as a quick project, turned into 20 videos that I’ve decided to turn into a course for you to go through. Get ready to learn how to start a craft business!

Starting a Craft Business!
My starting a craft business course will take you through the entire business starting process. From deciding what to sell, coming up with a business name, branding, choosing an eCommerce platform, and even marketing your items. You can actually get a sneak peek inside the course in the video below!
What is Included with Craft Business Prep?
Craft Business Prep includes a workbook with videos to walk you through each workbook page.cYou can walk through the workbook page by page with videos to help you make your decisions on what to sell, what to charge, how to price your items, and what platform to use when you start an online shop.
You can proceed through the course at your own pace taking your time through each section. Each decision is personal to you and the workbook will help you make the best decisions for where you’re at with your craft business now and where you want to be in the future.
Get my free small business sale planner!
Plan your next sale using this 2 page planner and reach as many people as possible! Increase your reach and increase your sales with a well thought out plan that will have customer coming back again and again!
Craft Business Prep Bonus Items
I’ve included a couple of additional workbooks in my starting a craft business course. One is a customer profile workbook, the other is a brand story workbook.
What is a Customer Profile?
A customer profile is important from the very beginning. If I had known what I know now when I was starting my business I may have done things a little differently.
Creating a customer profile is all about nailing down who your ideal customer is so you can market and brand that specific person. This information will help you decide what to sell and it will help you do market research. It helps you decide what platforms to put your product on as well as which ones are the best to market all of your goods.
It may even help you decide on colors, fonts, and more. I believe a customer profile is integral to starting your business which is why I made another workbook just for it.
What is a Brand Story?
I also believe a brand story is getting more and more important. A brand story is a story of how your brand started. It may include your beliefs or your passions as a brand. It is all included in a short story, one that you can communicate easily with customers and potential customers.
I am finding, in the handmade world especially that a brand story is something people are looking at when deciding where to spend their money. They want to spend their money with a shop they can feel good about so you need to be able to tell your brand story in a way that will help them feel good shopping with you.
Because I believe this is an important part of starting a craft business, I have a whole workbook just on your brand story as well.
Where to Find Craft Business Prep
I’m so excited to introduce you to Craft Business Prep. I’m ready for you to jump in and start your crafting business. Craft Business Prep is on an extreme discount right now just for my followers, that discount will last for just a few more days.
If you’re ready to start your craft business, head to CraftBusinessPrep.com to learn more about the course itself and if it is right for you.
The current low pricing is for a limited time only and will then go up to its regular price.
Inside you’ll find the – Starting a Craft Business Course, Brand Story Workbook, and Customer Profile Workbook. I’ve also included my Small Business Organization Binder.
I believe Craft Business Prep includes everything you need to start your craft business the right way.
If you’re not ready to jump into the course, I do have a few craft business posts that may answer some of your questions. Also, if you have any questions about the course itself, feel free to leave them in the comments below and I will get those answered for you!