Today we’re going to talk about common Craft Business Myths. If you’ve ever heard myths that have you double-thinking if you want to start a craft business we’re here to help.
Today Cori George and I are visiting with Jamela Payne from Color Me Crafty to help bust craft business myths that aren’t true.
This is episode 5 of Crafting for Profit Live. If you’ve missed any of the previous episodes make sure you check them out to learn about selling at craft fairs, adopting a business mindset, and starting your craft business the right way.

You can watch our live conversation or read the craft business myths below the video:
5 Craft Business Myths – Busted!
Let’s a take a closer look at each of these myths!
1. You Need to Sell Anything and Everything to Be Successful
Craft Business Myth number 1, you need to have a huge shop filled with hundreds of different items before trying to promote your business.
False – a successful way to start your business is with one or two items that can be customized for different customers.
When Jamela started her business she sold shirts for moms of children playing sports. She used glitter iron-on and offered a variety of different designs that could be customized with specific school names and family names.
Having a specific niche allows you to become an expert at what you’re selling. It also keeps your shop from becoming overwhelming for your customers.
Another reason it’s beneficial to limit the items you’re selling is to reduce the supplies and materials you need to keep on hand. If you’re selling 100 different items you need to have supplies for 100 different items available. That can take up a lot of space. When you are making just a few items it’s easier to store the supplies and materials for those items.
2. You Need a Lot of Money to Start a Craft Business
Craft Business Myth number 2, you need a lot of money to start a craft business.
False – You can start a business with the materials and supplies you have on hand.
A lot of people who start a craft business are already crafters. If you are starting a craft business and are not a crafter, you may have an expense upfront of purchasing a cutting machine, heat press, or other crafting machines.
If you already have the machines you need for your craft business, you can start your business by sharing products you’ve already made for yourself or friends.
With any custom orders get paid the full amount up front. This will allow you to use the money from that sale to purchase any materials needed to complete the order.
Where to Sell Without Seller Fees?
Another way to reduce spending when you’re starting your crafting business is to sell in places that don’t have fees.
You can promote your business on your personal social media pages so people can see what you’re making. You can also sell in the different Facebook yard sale groups and on the Facebook marketplace.
Don’t forget to ask your customers to share about their orders. Word of mouth is huge for small businesses, especially with custom orders.
Wear/use/share your products! You may be surprised at how often you’re asked “Where did you get that?” and then you’ve made another business contact.
3. Crafting is a Hobby, You Can’t Make Money Doing It
Craft Business Myth number 3, crafting is a hobby and you can’t make money doing it.
False – You can make money crafting, people are doing it every single day.
The most important thing you need to do to make money selling your crafts is to master the craft you’re selling.
You need to know everything there is to know about the product you’re selling. If you’re selling t-shirts you need to make sure you’re using materials that hold up after being washed and have specific washing instructions to give to your customers.
This is where niching down really comes in. If you’re trying to make too many different products somewhere something is going to get missed or messed up. You need to produce high-quality products every single time you make something.
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Charge for Your Time
When transitioning from craft hobby to craft business you need to value your work and that includes charging for your time.
When you’re first starting out it’s easy to miss things you should be charging for. If you’re making a shirt you can’t just charge for the shirt and the HTV. There are other things you should be charging for – if you purchased a design, supplies like cutting mats and blades, part of the cost of materials, printer ink if you’re using sublimation or print then cut.
You may lose some business because someone else is only charging for the shirt and HTV but people who aren’t willing to pay what you’re asking aren’t your customer.
Remember, you’re selling something that can’t be purchased at Target, Walmart, or other stores. You can’t walk into a store and find something with your child’s face or their name and team number. You’re offering something special and you should charge for that.
4. Everyone Will Love What I’m Selling
Craft Business Myth number 4, everyone is going to love what I’m selling.
False – Not everyone is going to want or need what you’re selling and that is okay.
Part of building a successful business is finding the right customer for what you’re selling. If you offer a tumbler with a dog on it and get 50 orders you are on the right track. If you offer a customized birthday shirt and get no orders, that is probably not what your customers are looking for.
Pay attention to the feedback your customers are giving you. People leave reviews when they are happy or unhappy with their purchase. If you’re not getting good or bad feedback your items may need something more.
While bad feedback isn’t something anyone wants it is a good way to learn where you can make improvements.
5. My Business is Going to Take Off Overnight
Craft Business Myth number 5, my business is going to take off overnight.
False, usually – With social media the way it is you may think that everyone’s business is taking off overnight and that if your’s doesn’t you’re doing something wrong.
Overnight sensations are not normal. Yes, someone can have a product go viral that can definitely help kickstart the business but many craft business owners have a successful business and have never had a product go viral.
If you’ve been crafting as a hobby for a while you will have a head start on someone who is starting from scratch today.
To have a successful business, you need to perfect your craft and that takes time. You may think someone just started their business and they are already successful when in reality they’ve been working on their craft for years behind the scenes.
You need to find ways to stand out to help your business succeed. We talked a lot about that in our Starting Your Craft Business the Right Way episode. Make sure and check out that post if you’re just starting out.
Start where you are, look at the supplies and materials you have. Think about the products you enjoy making and consider what products you could potentially make to sell.
What Do I Do with Mistakes?
While we’re talking about starting out, you’re going to make mistakes, it’s part of learning. Sometimes those mistakes just need to go in the trash. Sometimes they’re usable but not perfect. You want to make sure if you sell these items for like cost, you make it clear that they are a mistake or misfit item so that customers don’t think this is the type of finished product you’re selling.
Myth FAQ
Now that we’ve covered the craft business myths let’s answer some questions we received from podcast live viewers.
How Do You Decide What Types of Crafts to Sell?
The perfect craft for you to sell is a marriage between something you enjoy making and something you can make money selling. If you hate making tumblers, even though you can make money selling them that is probably not the right craft for you.
I also recommend making sure you can find a way to stand out. Don’t just make what everyone else is making, find a way to make it your own.
Another way to decide what types of crafts to sell is to think of your ideal customer. If you’re selling t-shirts to sports moms, that mom may also want a sticker for her car or a customized tumbler. You don’t have to make the same product when you niche down, you can build a product line that supports your ideal customer.
How Important is Branding to Your Business’s Success?
Branding is important. You want to make sure your customers know when they are seeing your products.
Branding is something we’ve covered before, you can read more about branding in our Starting a Craft Business the Right Way episode.
How Do You Deal with Other’s Selling Similar Items for Less?
There are going to be people who sell items for less than you do. You cannot control the prices other people set. You can make sure you make the best product you can and that you offer and find ways to offer something special, like creating your own designs.
I would also look at where you’re selling. If you are attending an in-person craft fair, find out if they vet vendors to reduce the number of people selling the same products.
I hope you’ve found this information helpful! If you did make sure you subscribe to be notified when we have new episodes and content. I’d love for you to rate the podcast on your favorite streaming platform and share it with your crafting friends.’